Describe what your company does in 50 characters or less.*

Better code generation than Cursor

Please provide a link to the product, if any.

What is your company going to make? Please describe your product and what it does or will do.

Manicode is your coding assistant: run manicode in your terminal in your project directory, ask it to do any coding task, and it will make changes to your files.

...and it will do a really good job. Why?

It can grab files it needs for context, edit multiple files at once (no copy-pasting), run the type checker, run tests, install dependencies, and search for documentation.

These abilities are key to doing the best job and will only become more powerful as LLM's continue to level up.

LLM's perform so much better with extra context!

With Manicode, we've come up with this idea to check in files in any directory, and write down extra bits of context, like which 3 files you need to edit in order to create a new endpoint. Or which patterns are being deprecated and which should be used. Or which directories can import from other directories.

Every codebase has lots of implicit knowledge like this that you have to impart to your engineers. Once written down, it makes Claude really fly! It's truly a night and day difference.

You're chatting with it. It takes ~30 seconds to get back to you and then you can tell it what you want to do next or what it did wrong.

This keeps Manicode on track and aligned.